Trampoline parks represent one of the most frequently chosen attractions to fill leisure time after work, school or during holidays. In addition to providing plenty of entertainment, they help to relieve stress and excess energy. The popularity of these small structures has generated a number of interesting facts and myths about trampolines.
Trampoline park is safe for children – FACT
In order to use trampoline parks, it is necessary to be familiar with the rules and regulations. Those rules, which are imposed by both producers and administrators of the equipment, were created for a reason. Moreover, they inform about contraindications to jumping and recommendations concerning the way of playing. If we adhere to the injunctions, we can even completely eliminate any factor threatening the health or life of the user.
Polish trampoline parks are so well designed that the risk of injury is negligible. That is primarily because each device must meet safety standards – only certified trampolines are approved for use. By law, they are inspected and maintained on an ongoing basis. The legislation clearly defines the requirements for both the device itself and the area around it, and thus the danger is minimised almost to zero.
Trampoline parks are only built indoors – A MYTH
When you speak of trampolines, there are usually two images that come to mind – one is a garden trampoline, which is simply a free-standing device. The other is a whole park enclosed in a giant building, with lots of trampolines inside. Fortunately, this perception of these parks has been changing for some time now. This is due to the popularity of outdoor parks.
Increasingly, administrators of cities, municipalities and housing estates decide to design trampoline parks near schools and in green areas. An example of this are projects in Gdynia and Gołdap – a combination of several smaller trampolines dug into the ground, which together create an interesting playground. Both with single elements and whole sets of equipment it is possible to arrange a trampoline park for children, young people and even adults. In the photographs of this project you can see that outdoor trampolines do not have to be boring – they have various shapes, colours and sizes.
There are a lot of trampoline parks in Europe – A FACT
There are those who compare trampoline parks more to seasonal attractions – if they have ever gone to such parks, it has usually not happened more than once every few months. How come it is so rare? A lot of people explain it in two ways – one is the price, the other is the distance. Although we will return to the topic of cost, when it comes to kilometers… Often we don’t even have to go outside our own housing estate.
When compared to aquaparks, which are much fewer in Poland, trampoline parks are almost everywhere. Practically in most cities there is at least one indoor facility with trampolines. There are also outdoor parks – not only in Gdynia or Gołdap, but also in Międzyzdroje. Playgrounds located there can be as big as 500 m2, so there’s plenty of space to have fun.
Prices of admission to trampoline parks are high – MYTH
However, in order to be able to talk about the price of admission tickets, it would first be worth presenting an example price list. Generally you will pay about 30 zlotys for one hour of fun in closed trampoline parks. But the more time you spend, the more reasonable the price is, although an hour is quite enough to have fun. So it’s not an expense that prevents you from going to the parks at least once a month.
Nevertheless, if the price is a little too high, there is an alternative – free. As an example again, we can mention outdoor parks. In most cases these remain open 24 hours a day and are completely free of charge. When combined with playgrounds, they become an excellent choice for interesting and active time spent together with children.
The juxtaposition of facts and myths shows that you should not judge a book by its cover. People who have never had anything to do with trampolines usually speak about them – they don’t know what makes them safe and often don’t even realise what outdoor trampoline parks are. And those can be really interesting and worthy of attention. It’s worth taking a look at some examples of them in our earlier posts.